Code of Conduct

Homeowners Voice is an advocacy nonprofit organization that advocates on behalf of homeowners' rights and wellbeing, to have regulations and statutes that recognize the needs of homeowners, as a non-partisan and non-electoral effort. All members and volunteers must commit while participating or representing our organization to the stated purpose and to the rules included in this code of conduct document. In return, all staff and board members, will make sure that members and volunteers are treated with all due respect and observe all the rights of volunteers and members. 

Rights of Members and Volunteers

There may be additional rights of members and volunteers that must be observed beyond those listed. As an organization that is engaged in activities for the benefit of of the community, and not private benefit, as part of its commitment to 501C4 rules (see: 

Right To Be Treated With Respect

All work done on behalf of Homeowners Voice will be valued by the organization as either payment toward the monthly membership fees or as an in kind contribution. 

Right To Be Kept Informed

All members and volunteers must be informed:

  • As to their rights in the organization
  • All information that must be made available to the public by the organization
  • The purpose and goals of any work done on behalf of the organization
  • The results of any work that is done on behalf of the organization

An Expectation of Privacy

All members and volunteers should know that any personal information given to the organization will be kept confidential within the best ability of the organization. 

Rules for Members and Volunteers

Conflict of Interest Rules

All volunteers and members must alert the organization of any potential conflict of interest. If the organization decides that there is a conflict of interest whether reported or discovered, the volunteer or member must abide by the decision of the Board of Directors of the organization.

Abiding By the Purpose Of the Organization

The purpose of this organization as is stated in its bylaws is to advocate on behalf of homeowners' rights and wellbeing, to have regulations and statutes that recognize the needs of homeowners, as a non-partisan and non-electoral effort.

Homeowners Voice supports the rights of homeowners’ to maintain the safety of their home, family and others staying in their homes. 

Homeowners Voice supports the rights of homeowners to protect their property rights and property values.

Homeowners Voice supports the right of homeowners to have a voice in all matters that affect their safety and property rights and values.

The Expectation of Privacy

All people who give personal or confidential information to the organization shall have the expectation that their privacy will be maintained by all members and volunteers who have access to that information. 

Speaking on Behalf of Homeowners Voice

Having the voice of homeowners heard is the main point of our organization. Please make sure that when as a volunteer that you identify yourself and that you are assisting homeowners. Familiarize yourself with Homeowners Voice and the material that is available for the public. And if communicating on behalf of Homeowners Voice in written, recorded video/audio or any online venue, you must get documented permission from an official or person designated for that purpose by Homeowners Voice. 

Homeowners Voice expresses and allows for advocating for legislation and regulations that are in the best interest of homeowners, and will ask volunteers to help with communicating to elected officials and government officials. However, when speaking or communicating on behalf of Homeowners Voice, it is essential that no electoral campaigning is allowed or preference expressed for party organizations.