Stuck with Slow Internet? Shepherdstown on Sunday, Nov. 20th

Stop by for coffee and donuts and learn about how West Virginia and the counties are paying to have neighborhoods wired for high speed Internet. If your home is stuck with slow Internet, your address and neighborhood may be in an area that is targeted for high speed fiber to the home. I'm with Homeowners Voice, a West Virginia nonprofit, which is working to assist homeowners. Come by 106 West German Street in downtown Shepherdstown to learn more. Daniel Bennett Let me know if you have any questions, but can't make it on Sunday. 

See below for areas marked with tan/gold dots for getting grants for revving up to high speed Internet . (map taken from West Virginia Broadband Council's interactive map.

addresses targeted for high speed Internet access in the Eastern Panhandle


November 20, 2022 at 9:00am - 1pm


106 West German Street
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
United States
Google map and directions


Daniel Bennett ·