Building a West Virginia State Chapter of CAI - Register for April 11th Zoom meeting

West Virginia has not had the full resources of Community Associations Institute. In states where CAI has chapters, they can have a LAC (legislative action committee) that advocates for HOA members in front of elected state representatives and state agencies. For example, Maryland, Virginia, DC, Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania, all have legislative action committees that lobby on behalf of their state chapters' interests. 

Homeowners Voice just started lasted year and has been working with others, such as the WV Association of Realtors, to pass pro-homeowners legislation. But since there is no West Virginia chapter of CAI, the vast resources and efforts of CAI Advocacy were not present, as they are for all the surrounding states. We want to work to quickly get an LAC for West Virginia, plus have a powerful, statewide organization with the resources of CAI to provide more than is currently possible. For example, DC, Maryland, and Virginia state chapters just had a convention in DC with hundreds of participants and dozens of vendors and experts to help the HOAs in those states. We look forward to similar opportunities for West Virginia.

Please join us for a public kick-off meeting to start the process of getting a state chapter of CAI here in West Virginia. Register to receive a Zoom invite for Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 7pm. We have been researching and talking to CAI about what it will take to get a state chapter.



April 11, 2024 at 7:00pm - 10pm


Daniel Bennett · · 304-207-0710

Will you come?